Thursday, February 28, 2013


Make hay while the sun shines

My friend and collaborator approached me recently with an idea for a quick and simple short film project. Something we can shoot quickly and with very little money. Just my kind of project. Writing something that we’ll actually be able to make and release is always a great experience. I don’t get to stretch my directing legs as often as I would like. Because of that I’ve been working on that script rather than Harlan’s story this week. This means I don’t have anything to update or discuss that relates to the script we’re working on here directly. But I do think this is an opportunity to talk about some other writing issues.

Sidetracked but not derailed

It takes a long time to write a story. From the initial concept through outlining and finally the multiple drafts until it’s a relatively complete work can be months or even years. Other projects and opportunities will come up during that time. Some will be projects like this short that let you use your writer’s skills. Others will be vacations and life events. Sometimes you’ll just get distracted because there’s a good show on netflix you have to watch all at once. Getting sidetracked isn’t always a bad thing. Do something else for a little bit. Let your story percolate in your brain and when you come back to it you’ll be able to see it more clearly.

I said NOT derailed

It’s easy to let time get away from you. You miss writing for a day and the next day you feel a little behind. If you miss a week you feel even more behind. Suddenly you’re in the habit of putting off writing more than writing. Don’t let yourself get derailed like this. Remember that the only deadlines you have to meet are your own. If you’ve fallen behind by a year just pick up where you left off and pretend you meant to do that. As this project takes some of my attention my work on Harlan’s story will be slower. But that’s okay I work too fast anyway.

Coming soon

Now you know I’m sidetracked at the moment. All of you who feel like you’ve fallen behind with the blog can catch up. You also have a new short to look forward to. Once it’s done I’ll show the process from concept to completion. It’ll be fun.

Next week we’ll check in with Harlan and see how much I got done.

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