Thursday, March 28, 2013

From 4 To 9, It's Better Than 9 To 5

The last time

This is either the last time I’ll say this or one of many times I will say this: There is a lot of refining that needs to happen still but here are the pages. I’m going to keep my comments brief and let you just take a look at what’s on the pages here.

Leaving off

I went back and forth a little about whether or not to show that last page. There are only a couple lines. But I did tell you I would let you see the full progress as we went along and I think there’s something valuable to see. Notice that I didn’t stop work after finishing a scene. I ended right as a scene begins. I know what’s going to happen in this scene. I could probably write the scene right now and it would be fine. I’m actually looking forward to writing the scene. It’s going to be fun. That’s why I quit work at that point.

Quit while you’re ahead

I quit work at a point where I’m excited to return. I know what’s going to happen and I just need to put it on paper. This will help me get going when I come back to it later. It will help jump-start my next writing session so that I can push forward more quickly. If I had stopped at a point where I wasn’t sure what to write or at a point where I was tired and not feeling as excited about the script it would be far harder to get going next time.

Moving right along

We’re now 9 pages into the script. I told you it would be pretty fast. Next time we’ll be looking at more pages and I might even skip the color commentary. We’ll see.

Let me know what you think of the script so far in the comments. Share some ideas if you like. It would be really fun to get your ideas about the script as it is so far.

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